CHAMANIC Psychotherapy by Pacho Lopez offers an integration of the findings of contemporary science and health care research combined with the approaches of ancient health and well-being wisdom.

We work with a harmonious therapeutic approach that integrates the therapy of hypnotic symbolism and NLP, the consciousness processes and spectrum, embodied consciousness, neuroscience and the wisdom of shamanism.

Our therapeutic services are available to individuals, couples and groups in the following issues:


Depression and Anxiety / Attachment Processes / Trauma (physical, psychological, sexual assault/abuse & spiritual trauma) / Loss of Purpose, Vision & Direction / Grief / Spiritual Concerns / Loss of Confidence & Self Esteem / Relationship, Intimacy, & Sexual Difficulties / Feelings of Emptiness, & Loss of Hope / Work & General Stress / And much more...


My interest in shamanism and the various approaches to mental health and physical well-being arose from my experience with ayahuasca in the jungle of Peru, precisely in Pucallpa.


As a child, I experienced a certain type of level of consciousness: very early I realized a powerful force that existed beyond my physical body and that could somehow affect healing and peace. I realized that I could go further and that love had an extended presence that permeated all life and every person with whom I came into contact. Although I felt strange at some point in the past, now I realize that this is a common experience that most people keep private because of the concern that they will be considered strange, highly sensitive or imaginative people.


    Kambo is a traditional medicine used by many of the tribes of the Amazon rainforest. A poison, Kambo is collected from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor frog. The venom is administered via small holes that are burned into the top few layers of the skin, usually on the arm. Kambo promotes the understanding of our feelings; by bringing up that which we have suppressed and since long forgotten. By removing these impurities and unhealthy feelings from the past, we reveal layer by layer our authentic-self.

  • HAPE

    Hape is a medicine widely used in tribal rituals to clean individuals and ceremonial spaces. This Amazon tobacco, also known as mapacho, also includes the alkaline ash of other plants such as cinnamon, tonka bean, clover, banana peel, mint, etc. This is crushed into a fine powder, which is blown or puffed high in each of the cavities of the nose through a ceremonial tube made of bone or bamboo. Hape purges deep-seated toxins; after taking it you will leave feeling more calm and in line with your true self.

  • FIRE

    Fire is a way to let go the past and its burdens to transform, renew and reborn yourself. Through this ceremony, we put into the fire the old belief structures and give them over to the liberating and wise spirit of fire. By letting go these old patterns and beliefs in the fire, one can get a deep connection at the level of the soul. The fire ceremony is typically held around the full or new moon of each month when the veils between the worlds are the finest. Think of the fire ceremony not as an instantaneous and magic change, but rather as an opening to heal and change habits and patterns.


    Sananga´s drops can balance and increase your energies, and find the roots of your diseases and blockages, leading to a complete equilibrium, focus and peace of mind. Apart of this, the drops are also used to cure and improve a broad range of ocular problems like myopia, depth and color perception, definition of images, and detection accuracy.


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